
How To Say Yay In Japanese

The best way to say "Okay" in Japanese to limited your acknowledgement of something is to say わかった (wakatta). If you lot demand to speak formally you can use わかりました (wakarimashita).

5 Common Cat Behaviours And What Th...

To ask, or tell someone that something is okay, y'all'll need to utilise a different expression. You can phrase the Japanese expression 大丈夫? (daijoubu?) as a question to express your concern and/or enquire someone if they're okay and everything is alright. To ask someone "are y'all okay" in polite Japanese, you tin can use 大丈夫ですか (daijoubu desuka).

Yous can also use the same expression 大丈夫 (daijoubu), as a response to any time when you wish to say "it's okay", or "I'm okay" in Japanese.

The give-and-take OK has too been borrowed from English language into the Japanese language. When you desire to say "OK" in Japanese, for casual situations you lot can say オーケー (o-ke-), or the formal オーケーです (o-ke- desu) for scenarios where you find yourself needing to testify respect.

As you tin can see, there are many unlike means to say "okay" in Japanese.

It's also of import to employ the correct level of politeness in your spoken communication! Speaking casually usually involves situations with your friends and family. Whereas you may need to speak in Japanese Keigo, aka honorific speech, when conversing with strangers, teachers and managers etc.

I have tailored this ultimate guide to cover all of the above instances, and you'll be well equipped to combat whatsoever situation afterward reading information technology!

Each entry is coupled with audio for pronunciation reference, too as example sentences and explanations of all of the best ways to say anything forth the lines of "Ok, Okay, It'south Okay" in Japanese!

Okeydokey, let's begin!

Okay in Japanese

  • Okay.

As mentioned before, in that location are three unlike situations that could prompt yous to say "okay". Each of these situations has a different give-and-take that is best used for information technology. The first is わかった (wakatta).

When want to say "okay" to express that you understand or acknowledge something, y'all can utilise the expression わかった (wakatta). You can also use it to affirm something you will practise.

わかった (wakatta) is the by tense of the verb わかる (wakaru), meaning "to sympathize". Having now understood or acknowledged something in your head is technically something that has already happened in the past (even though it could have literally been moments ago). Therefore, for this reason, nosotros have to say わかった (wakatta) when saying "okay" to things in Japanese.

There are also ways to say that y'all don't sympathize, or don't know in Japanese using variants of わかる (wakaru) and other expressions too!

Examples & Uses

Say you're planning on going out with a friend. They ask you to run into at the bus cease at a certain time. You tin can respond:

  • わかった。9時に会おう!
    wakatta. 9ji ni aou!
    Okay. Let's come across at 9!

Simply proverb わかった (wakatta) past itself as a response is as well okay hither! In this example, you affirm and understand that you volition encounter your friend at ix.

You lot can also use わかった (wakatta) to express "okay" in Japanese explicitly when you empathise something. Possibly a friend is explaining some super hard Japanese grammar to y'all. You may say:

  • ああ、わかった。そういうことだ!
    aa, wakatta. souiu koto da!
    Ah, okay, and then that'south how it is.

Another fun way to apply わかった (wakatta) is when you finally get the significant of something. Perhaps you've been up all night trying to effigy out what on earth your friend was on virtually. Suddenly, a eureka moment!

  • わかった!!なるほど。
    wakatta!! naruhodo.
    I get it now (I understand)! That'southward it.

Okay in Formal Japanese

Okay in Japanese

  • Okay (formal).

During situations when you want to say "okay" formally in Japanese, such every bit when speaking with a stranger, you can use わかりました (wakarimashita).

The word わかりました (wakarimashita) is the by tense of わかります (wakarimasu), which is わかる (wakaru) conjugated into polite form. わかる (wakaru)  means "to sympathise" in Japanese.

わかりました (wakarimashita) can be used to express your understanding, acknowledgement or your affidavit of something in Japanese. Still, compared to わかった (wakatta), わかりました (wakarimashita) should not be used when speaking with friends. Instead, you tin apply it when speaking with managers, teachers or strangers for case.


Say y'all walk into a shop, and you inquire a member of staff where an item is. They tell you they practice non sell it. You can say:

  • わかりました。ありがとうございます。
    wakarimashita. arigatou gozaimasu.
    Okay. Thanks anyway.

In this example, you're telling the person that you understand the detail is not sold here and and so thank them.

Like the casual わかった (wakatta), the formal わかりました (wakarimashita) can also be used to say explicitly that you understand something. Instead of your friend teaching you lot, information technology could exist a teacher who is explaining some grammar.

With teachers, nosotros also accept to use polite spoken communication. When calling your teacher in Japanese, instead of using their proper noun, it's besides polite to refer to them every bit 先生 (sensei), which means "teacher" in Japanese.

  • 先生!わかりました。
    sensei ! wakarimashita.
    sensei! I empathize now.

Very Formal: Certainly

  • Certainly.

When you say "okay" to agree to assist someone, in polite English, we may say "certainly". During these situations in Japanese, we can say かしこまりました (kashikomarimashita). The Japanese equivalent is much, much politer though.

You probably won't be using this phrase very often, unless you work in customer service like in a hotel or a restaurant. On the other manus, you'll likely be hearing かしこまりました (kashikomarimashita) a lot when y'all go to a hotel or restaurant yourself in Japan.

The word かしこまりました (kashikomarimashita) is substantially the nearly polite mode one tin can say "okay" or "I sympathise" in Japanese. The well-nigh casual way is, of course, わかる (wakaru), which is explained above.

In a restaurant, when yous order nutrient you are essentially putting in a asking. The waiter, whose job information technology is to accept and fulfil these requests, will always answer with かしこまりました (kashikomarimashita).

Later on you tell your waiter the meal y'all'd like to eat, they'll respond with an honorific speech, even when asking y'all, the client to do something.

  • かしこまりました。少々お待ちください。
    kashikomarimashita. shoushou omachi kudasai.
    Certainly. Please kindly wait for a moment.

In Nippon, customers are spoken to with the highest level of polite oral communication. This is because to businesses, it is of import to show the customer the nearly respect possible. They're the ones who pay the salaries afterwards all!

More than Ways to say Okay in Japanese

  • Okay.

The expression 大丈夫 can mean "okay" in a plethora of contexts. It can also be used to indirectly say "No" in Japanese.

Hither are all the ways it can be used in the context of "okay".

It's Okay in Japanese

It's Okay in Japanese

You can utilise 大丈夫 (daijoubu) to request, propose or enquire almost something. This is the aforementioned every bit asking if something is okay, or if information technology's "okay" to practise something in English language.

For example, say you lot're hungry and you're searching for something quick to swallow in the cupboards. You come up across some staff of life with no expiry date labelled. You lot might ask a person yous're living with:

  • このパンの賞味期限は大丈夫?
    kono pan no shoumikigen wa daijoubu?.
    Is this bread's best-by appointment ok?

What's great about 大丈夫 (daijoubu), is that y'all can also apply it as a response to someone's request, proposition or enquiry too! At any time you want to tell someone that something is "okay" you lot tin can use 大丈夫 (daijoubu).

  • うん!大丈夫だよ!
    un! daijoubu da yo!.
    Yeah! It should be okay!

I Call back It's Okay in Japanese

You can likewise combine it with other words to grade other expressions such as "I call back it's okay" in Japanese as well:

  • 大丈夫だと思う。
    daijoubu da to omou.
    I think it's okay.

Every bit the Japanese linguistic communication frequently omits pronouns, depending on the context, the above phrase tin can also mean "I call back I'm okay" in Japanese!

It'due south Non Okay in Japanese

If it'southward not okay, still, y'all might want to tell them!

  • 大丈夫じゃない。
    daijoubu janai.
    It'due south not okay.

じゃない (janai) is a negative casual variant of the word です (desu), which means "Information technology is" in Japanese.

Are you Okay? in Japanese

There may as well be occasions where you desire to inquire someone if they're alright or okay. To do this, y'all can phrase 大丈夫 (daijoubu) as a question.

Perhaps a friend has had a difficult time on an exam, or perchance they've fallen over learning how to ice skate.

  • 大変そう。大丈夫?
    taihen sou. daijoubu?
    That looks crude. Are you okay?

You can add even more than emotional emphasis by attaching なの (na no) to the terminate of 大丈夫 (daijoubu). Although this is completely optional, attaching の (na no) conveys your business organisation a lot stronger than just proverb 大丈夫 (daijoubu) past itself.

  • 大丈夫なの?
    daijoubu na no?
    Are you lot okay? (added emphasis).

Information technology's also worth noting that attaching の (no) to express further business organisation is sometimes viewed as more feminine by native speakers.

I'm Okay in Japanese

I'm Okay in Japanese

If someone has asked you if you are alright because something has happened, you can use 大丈夫 (daijoubu) to ease their worries. Using 大丈夫 (daijoubu) as a response to someone's question like this is the same as saying "I'm okay" in Japanese.

This conversation tin wait very simple, especially when the context is understood by both parties involved.

Someone may ask:

  • 大丈夫?
    Are you okay?

The perfect response:

  • 大丈夫!
    I'm okay!

Perhaps you're not okay though… If you're upset, in pain, unhappy, unsure, or anything along those lines, you'll desire to tell them you're not okay in Japanese.

  • 大丈夫じゃない。
    daijoubu janai.
    I'm not okay.

That's Okay in Japanese

Another occasion where you may wish to tell someone "okay" could be in the course of an apology or empathy. If someone has told you lot that they're non okay, you might want to reassure them that everything will exist alright.

There are a few means you can do this. The start is to use 大丈夫だよ (daijoubu dayo). だよ (da yo) conveys a very forward kind of feeling. In this context, the だよ (dayo) would exist best understood equally "I'thousand sure" in English. This is a great way to uplift someone from the despair their feeling.

  • 大丈夫だよ。
    daijoubu da yo.
    It'll be okay.

Nosotros tin as well adhere the give-and-take きっと (kitto) to emphasise our certainty that it'll be even more okay. きっと (kitto) is the word for "surely" in Japanese.

  • きっと大丈夫だよ。
    kitto daijoubu da yo.
    I'm sure that information technology's okay.

In other contexts, 大丈夫だよ (daijoubu dayo) can be understood as "information technology'south okay", with much more emphasis on "information technology's". This means that when you say 大丈夫だよ (daijoubu da yo), you're telling the person that the subject in question is certainly okay.

For case, someone may apologise to you for waking yous up early in the morn for some reason. To which you can say:

  • 大丈夫だよ。気にしないで。
    daijoubu da yo. kinishinaide.
    That's okay. Don't worry about it.

Definitely Okay in Japanese

You can fifty-fifty become one footstep further to audio even more encouraging in Japanese. Attach 絶対に (zettaini) to the beginning of 大丈夫だよ (daijoubu da yo).

The give-and-take 絶対に (zettaini) means definitely in Japanese. As a complete phrase, 絶対に大丈夫だよ (zettaini daijoubu da yo), ways "information technology'll definitely be okay" in Japanese.

  • 絶対に大丈夫だよ。
    zettaini daijoubu da yo.
    It'll definitely be okay.

Formal It's Okay

All of the above entries of 大丈夫 (daijoubu) introduce ways to say "okay" in Japanese casually. However, if your teacher, manager or even a stranger asks you if you lot're okay, or if something is wrong, you lot'll want to reply with 大丈夫です (daijoubu desu).

大丈夫です (daijoubu desu) can be used the same way 大丈夫 tin can, except in situations when you're expected to prove respect.

  • 大丈夫ですか。
    daijoubu desu ka?
    Are you okay? Is it okay?

Equally pronouns and subjects are often omitted in Japanese, simply saying the above phrase can convey i of two meanings depending on the context. Firstly, yous can ask someone 大丈夫ですか (daijoubu desu ka) to question someone if they themselves are okay. Perhaps they've hurt themselves, or seem a little down.

Secondly, y'all can utilise 大丈夫ですか (daijoubu desu ka) to ask someone if something is okay the way information technology is. For case, perhaps y'all've been working on a task your director has assigned you lot. You consummate information technology, bear witness it to them and ask if it is satisfactory.

You can besides reply to 大丈夫ですか (daijoubu desu ka) the same way you lot can when speaking casually. Simply respond with 大丈夫です (daijoubu desu) to let the person know that you lot're/information technology's okay.

  • 大丈夫です。
    daijoubu desu.
    I'yard okay/ Information technology'south okay.

No problem in Japanese

When someone asks us if we or something is okay, we'll often reply with"it's okay" to them. (assuming it is okay).

As a response to a request or suggestion, a better way might be to say "no problem". For all the means how to say "no problem" in Japanese, have a glance at this ultimate guide.

OK in Japanese

  • OK.

Borrowed direct from the English language, オーケー (o-ke-) is some other expression you tin can employ to say "okay" in Japanese. Sometimes, you may even see the word "OK" appear in Japanese text. If you're changing the settings for a video game in Japanese for instance, to confirm your changes, y'all may come across a button labelled "OK".

オーケー (o-ke-) is very similar to わかった (wakatta) as you tin use either as a response to when you lot understand or accept something. Mayhap a friend has asked you to send a text bulletin to someone on their behalf.

  • オーケー。今送るね。
    o-ke-. ima okuru ne.
    OK. I'll transport information technology now.

Additionally, you can utilize オーケー (o-ke-) to ask someone if something is satisfactory. Say yous've been asked by your colleague if you tin terminate upwardly their work. Once you've finished, you ask them:

  • これでオーケーですか。
    kore de o-ke- desuka?
    Is this OK?

It's important to note that オーケー (o-ke-) is considered to be quite coincidental. You tin can actually say オーケーです (o-ke- desu) to increase the politeness, but you may be best off using わかりました (wakarimashita) or another variant instead.

Ok, Ok/ Yeah, Aye

  • Ok, ok.
    hai, hai.

The expression はい、はい (hai, hai) has ii principal uses.

In English, we sometimes respond to someone's explanation of something with "yeah, yeah" when nosotros suddenly understand what they mean. These occasions are ordinarily eureka moments, or times when we of a sudden call back the answer to something.

Say for instance a friend asks you near someone you both had gone to school with together 10 years agone. You lot take no idea who that person was, but your friend is telling you how you lot all used to play Pokemon together subsequently school. Of a sudden, you remember. That person was the 1 who stole your newly evolved Gengar after trading and never gave it back all those years ago! How atrocious.

During this state of affairs, you lot suddenly call back who exactly the person was. In English, we may say something similar "Yep, yep, yeah, I call back them now". In Japanese, this may look like this:

  • はい、はい。思い出した。
    hai, hai. omoidashita.
    Ok, ok (yeah, yeah). I remember them.

The second use of はい、はい (hai, hai) is a response to someone's request or statement. Say your partner has been bugging y'all all day to permit them have a piece of block you were saving. You lot give in to their request and say:

  • はい、はい。食べていいよ。
    hai, hai. tabete ii yo.
    Ok, ok. Experience complimentary to eat it.

Sure/Sounds Skilful in Japanese

Sounds Good in Japanese

  • Sure/sounds good.
    2 yo.

いいよ (iiyo) is a casual way of maxim "sure, no problem" or "sounds practiced" in Japanese. You lot tin can use いいよ (ii yo) as a response to a friend or family member's request or proposition.

This expression is made of two parts. The first part いい (2), sometimes written as 良い (yoi) ways "good" in Japanese. The last part よ (yo) is a Japanese Ending Particle that is used to emphasise the meaning of the give-and-take that precedes it.

Therefore よ (yo) emphasises the いい (2). This means using いいよ (iiyo) is the same as telling someone that it's really okay, or that something is "good".

With that said, the complete expression tin can be understood as "sounds proficient" or "sure" in Japanese.

Say a family unit member asks if you could cook afterwards… You can reply with: いいよ (ii yo) – meaning sure, no problem.

A friend asks if information technology'due south okay to come across at ii pm instead of one pm… Your reply: いいよ (ii yo). – meaning certain, sounds expert.

  • 後で鬼滅の刃をみに行かない?
    atode kimetsu no yaiba wo miniikanai?
    Fancy going to see Demon Slayer later?

Your response can be:

  • いいよ!楽しみ!
    ii yo! tanoshimi!
    Sounds great! I can't wait!

If y'all're not that up for information technology, you may be all-time off declining and proverb no in Japanese instead.

Saying Sure/Sounds Good Formally

  • Certain/sounds good (Formally).
    2 desu yo.

To say "sure" or "sounds good" as a response to a person's request or suggestion formally in Japanese, you can use いいですよ (2 desu yo).

いいですよ (2 desu yo) includes です (desu) which formalises the expression. You can use いいですよ the same way you can its casual variant, just in formal situations instead.

A colleague might enquire you if you'd similar to join them for java during the break. You can simply reply with いいですよ (ii desu yo), meaning "sure, sounds good".

When speaking with managers, yet, it may exist best to reply with a simple はい (hai) instead. はい (hai) in Japanese means "yes", but y'all tin also use it when yous want to say "sure" formally in Japanese.

Alright in Japanese

Alright in Japanese

  • Alright.

When we're preparing ourselves mentally for something, sometimes nosotros say something forth the lines of "okay, let's do this", or "alright, allow's become". The blazon of "okay" or "alright" that we employ in these situations can be translated equally よし (yoshi) in Japanese.

If y'all're looking for a way to ask someone if they are alright in Japanese, accept a wait at the 大丈夫 (daijoubu) entry above. Nosotros can't apply よし (yoshi) in that context here.

Let'due south say y'all've been preparing for a very important examination. You've studied (or procrastinated) a lot, and you're ready. You're waiting outside the test room with your friends. When the time comes to begin you may say:

  • よし! やろう!
    yoshi! yarou!
    Okay! Allow's smash this!

Okay, Permit's Written report More than Japanese!

  • Okay! Let'due south report more Japanese.
    yoshi. motto nihongo wo benkyou shiyou.

Sounds like you're hyped up for more Japanese study!

I've composed a collection of ultimate How-To Japanese guides similar to the one yous're reading now.

You can also check out some of these recommended guides:

How to say Promise in Japanese [Ultimate Guide]

How to say How Are Y'all in Japanese [Ultimate Guide]

Reading Practice? – I've recently launched free interactive eLearning PDFs tailored for those who want to practice reading Japanese. Claim yours! They're free.

Speaking Exercise? – It'southward so important to discover the person who is right for you when looking for an online Japanese tutor.

Being able to do speaking Japanese with someone who meets your personal needs is such a wonderful feeling. That's why I recommend Preply, which I have composed a fully in-depth and honest review on right here!


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